Hello! I’m so glad you’re here! I am a child of God covered by His grace, receiving His love, letting His love pour over and out of me, taking His lead as I step through this journey of life.

How did I get here, offering spiritual direction, retreat, Lectio Divina spaces, etc.?
All of me believes it started the moment my heart started beating, but let’s just go back to the year 2010. Walking through the atrium of our church one spring Sunday morning I noticed an older woman and secretly hoped someday she would ask me to sit down and just pour out all of her wisdom. Ha! I was drawn to the Presence she carried and how she carried it, not realizing how completely my life would change in relationship with her - when the time was right, which wasn't until years later.

In 2014 we crossed paths again, and it was time to ask if she would mentor me. She said no. She was, however, up for investing in a spiritual friendship with me which is more of a walking-with than a lead-follow relationship. Soon she offered to sit with me in spiritual direction to which I was drawn like a new sea turtle to the ocean. In those first moments of spiritual direction, I felt like I was breathing in a way I don't remember ever breathing before. Maybe I was made for more of this, which she also sensed. After a couple months she asked if I wanted to be trained to offer the very thing that was so life-giving to me. Yes please. She also invited me to a monthly Lectio Divina she hosted in her home once/month. After my first Lectio, again, I wondered - where had this way of being been all my life, and how had I missed out for so long?!!

These steps all found their footing during a time of coming transition in my life. Unbeknownst to me, I was in my final months as Children's Pastor at our church so I could give more of my energy to our 3 young children. Andrew had been offered a job - for which we'd been praying for years. As I was handing over this baby called children's ministry with which God had entrusted me for a few years, I felt like I was disappearing into the sweet sacred space of serving my children and husband full-time. We were hoping for Andrew to be able to have a job that would fully support us, and here it was - why was I feeling like I was becoming invisible? This new space was a difficult swallow after having such a dynamic space of serving in our church community with children and families. It was time for me to rediscover God’s heart for and pour into our children, my husband, our home, and ever becoming clearer - my own spiritual journey. I had no idea that the gifts God had for me in this transition would be lifelong game-changers, setting me (and my family) on a trajectory for which I had been longing my entire life, without even knowing it.

Years later, and I am here, a Sustainable Faith trained, SDI certified spiritual director for multiple longing, searching, wondering, beautiful people; AND I have the crazy joy of leading a powerful group of women in the richness of Lectio Divina. 

The power of a story being told, a life shared, the transformational reality of being heard, seeing and being seen, knowing and being known, the power of a pause… is being written about by countless authors who do and do not know Jesus. I believe with all of my heart that creating a life-rhythm that includes receiving spiritual direction and retreat is a game-changer for every person. The gift of being still & knowing with another person is the gift I will be giving for as long as I have breath and maybe beyond, into the breath of Heaven, if that's how we roll there. 

For the rest of my days I will be learning what it means to be a daughter of God, lover of your soul and mine, covered by His grace, loving Him, loving my family and neighbors, taking His lead as I step through this journey called life... Any whose hearts are willing/hungry for more, let’s get into this rich, sacred space of getting away with and listening to God, whether it's for an hour (Spiritual Direction or Lectio Divina) or a day (Retreat). My heart beats so fully as I sit and step with people on their journeys, listen to the Father's heart with them, watch God draw them into deeper knowing, becoming more fully who they were created to be as they learn to see and know themselves through His heart.

 I love it love it love it. Let’s sit together. Say Hi in the “contact us” link or come find me on Instagram @cherylgal56b if you’re there!